Juice Fast Recipes: Cheers to Good Health
Juice fasting is a great way to get your health re-balanced, get your clarity back on track, and reconnect with your spiritual life. It’s taking a break from the usual food habits, some of which may not be so healthy like eating a lot of processed foods and flush the system. The top 3 juice fast recipes below will help get you started on the process.
Why Juice Fast?
Toxins can accumulate due to artificial chemicals, preservatives, and additives in our food, among other things, which clog up our cells and reduce how efficiently they work. The result can be pain, inflammation, and disease.
Fasting with juice, in the absence of solid food, provides the body with a concentrated burst of micro-nutrients while requiring very little energy for digestion. That allows the cells to flush out the bad stuff and replace it with those vibrant and much-needed nutrients. It’s also a healthy way to lose a few excess pounds, boost your immune system, and put a glow back in your cheeks.
When making these juices, to assure the optimum benefit, use fresh produce, and go organic if possible. Be sure all are thoroughly washed to remove any excess dirt or residue. And you won’t want to save these for later. Drink them right away before the nutrients and flavors begin to degrade.
Top 3 Juice Fast Recipes
1. Go Green Juice
You will need:
One large cucumber3 good sized stalks of kale3 or four celery sticks1 green pear1 orange, peeled1 granny smith green apple
2. Asian Flare Juice
You will need:
4 to 5 carrots with the greens removed; 1″ to 1-1/2″ piece of fresh ginger, one beet, the rind from 1/2 of a lemon
3. Citrus Punch
You will need:
Two grapefruits, peeled, a handful of white grapes2 large oranges, peeled
Some Advice About Juice Fasting:
You will want to make at least half of your juice intake from green vegetables and be sure not to lean too heavily on fruit unless it’s low-sugar fruit like grapefruit, limes, lemons, green apples, or berries. Otherwise, it can send your blood sugar levels spiraling out of balance. How often you drink your juice is up to you. Follow your hunger.
When you are on your fast, you’ll want to be sure to avoid liquids that aren’t so supportive of your health. These would include teas containing caffeine, coffee, milk, protein powder or other drink mixes, diet drinks, pasteurized juices, soda, and alcohol. These add to the toxicity you’re trying to eliminate.
Depending on how long you decide to do your juice fast, you’ll want to remember you’ve eliminated fiber temporarily from your diet, and the body is going to be dumping toxins. To help it complete the task, you’ll want to give your daily elimination habit a little extra attention.
The bowel is where the majority of the bad stuff is going to leave the body, and if you do not have a movement regularly, the toxins stay in the body. The effect is the same as not fasting at all. You’ll want to include daily enemas or saltwater flushes if you’re not eliminating at least once per day.
You can continue your usual activities while juice fasting, but you may want to focus a little more on rest and a little less on unnecessary movement. Your primary reason is to heal and cleanse the body, and resting helps give your body the support it needs to do that. Stretch, take gentle walks, meditate, or just curl up with a good book.
That’s about all you need to know and be sure to enjoy the top 3 juice fast recipes. They’ll speed you on your way to good health in no time.